Scripture Verse

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. Revelation 3:20


William Gardiner (1770–1853)
British Museum
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Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on God’s Ev­er­last­ing Love, se­cond ser­ies, 1741.

Music: Bel­mont Sac­red Me­lo­dies Will­iam Gar­di­ner, 1812 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Come, let us, who in Christ be­lieve,
Our com­mon Sav­ior praise,
To Him with joy­ful voic­es give
The glo­ry of His grace.

He now stands knock­ing at the door
Of ev­ery sin­ner’s heart;
The worst need keep Him out no more,
Or force Him to de­part.

Through grace we heark­en to Thy voice,
Yield to be saved from sin;
In sure and cer­tain hope re­joice,
That Thou wilt en­ter in.

Come quick­ly in, Thou hea­ven­ly guest,
Nor ever hence re­move;
But sup with us, and let the feast
Be ev­er­last­ing love.