In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
Genesis 22:18
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord (London: William Strahan, 1745), number 21.
Music: Lux Eoi Arthur S. Sullivan, Church Hymns with Tunes (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1874), number 67 (🔊
Come, Thou universal blessing,
Abraham’s long expected seed;
Perfect peace and joy unceasing
Thro’ the ransomed nations spread:
Devilish pride, and brutal passion,
Far from every heart remove;
Bless us with Thy full salvation,
Bless us with Thy heavenly love.
Happy is the man forgiven,
This let every sinner feel;
Taste in Thee his present heaven,
Pant for greater blessings still;
O that all anew created,
Might Thine image here retrieve;
Then to paradise translated,
In Thy glorious presence live!