Coming in a cloud with power and great glory.
Luke 21:7
Words & Music: Thoro Harris, 1920 (🔊
Jesus the King is coming
Lo, in the eastern sky,
Signs of approaching glory;
Surely redemption draweth nigh.
Coming, coming,
Coming again for me;
Soon I shall see my Savior,
Like Him I then shall be.
Jesus is quickly coming;
’Twill not be very long
Ere we shall hail our bridegroom
With all the bright, angelic throng.
Then all who sleep in Jesus,
Waking shall upward rise;
We who remain,
With them caught up to paradise.
O what a glorious prospect!
O what a hope divine!
Thru the eternal ages
Jesus will be forever mine.
Heir to the life immortal,
Joint ruler on His throne,
Partaker of His glory,
Jesus will be my very own.
Glory to God the Father,
Glory to Christ the Son,
And to the Holy Spirit
For our redemption freely won.