Scripture Verse

Do not tremble, do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? Isaiah 44:8


Flora H. Cassel (1852–1911)

Words: Eli­za H. Mor­ton, in Tri­um­phant Songs No. 4, ed­it­ed by Edw­in O. Ex­cell (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: E. O. Ex­cell, 1894), num­ber 36, alt.

Music: Flo­ra H. Cas­sel (🔊 pdf nwc).

Eliza H. Morton (1852–1916)


Do you hear the migh­ty clash­ing
Of the thoughts of men of pow­er?
Do you see the om­ens thick­en­ing
Of a cri­sis ev­ery hour?
What is this? and what the oth­er?
Why this strange un­rest abroad?
Ah, the signs fore­tell the com­ing,
Yes, the com­ing of the Lord.


Oh, the com­ing, oh the com­ing,
All the signs fore­tell the com­ing,
Yes, the com­ing of the Lord.
Oh, the com­ing, oh the com­ing,
All the signs fore­tell the com­ing,
Yes, the com­ing of the Lord.

All the plans of so­cial schem­ers,
All the strug­gles of the years,
All the odes of po­et dream­ers
Are ob­scured with doubts and fears.
And the world is wait­ing, breath­less,
For an evo­lu­tion vast:
Wrought in God, and like an an­chor,
In a migh­ty cur­rent cast.


What the out­come of the con­flict?
What the end, ah, who can say?
We may read in liv­ing let­ters,
We may know, yea, know to­day!
More than mor­tal words pro­claim it,
Revelations from our God,
All the signs fore­tell the com­ing,
Yes, the com­ing of the Lord.
