Scripture Verse

I saw Heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. Revelation 19:11


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on the Ex­pect­ed In­va­sion 1759.

Music: Co­ro­nae Will­iam H. Monk, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


Come, Thou con­quer­or of the na­tions,
Now on Thy white horse ap­pear;
Earthquakes, fa­mines, de­so­la­tions
Signify Thy king­dom near:
True and faith­ful!
Stablish Thy do­min­ion here.

Thine the king­dom, pow­er, and glo­ry;
Thine the ran­somed na­tions are.
Let the hea­then fall be­fore Thee,
Let the isles Thy power de­clare.
Judge and con­quer
All man­kind in right­eous war.

Thee let all man­kind ad­mire,
Object of our joy and dread!
Flame Thine eyes with heav’n­ly fire,
Many crowns up­on Thy head.
But Thine es­sence
None, ex­cept Thy­self, can read.

Yet we know our me­di­at­or,
By the Fa­ther’s grace be­stowed;
Meanly clothed in hu­man na­ture,
Thee we call the Word of God.
Flesh Thy gar­ment,
Dipped in Thy own sacr­ed blood.

Captain, God of our sal­va­tion,
Thou who hast the wine press trod,
Borne the Al­mig­hty’s in­dig­na­tion,
Quenched the fierc­est wrath of God,
Take the king­dom,
Claim the purc­hase of Thy blood.

On Thy thigh and cloth­ing writ­ten,
Show the world Thy heav’n­ly name,
That, with lov­ing won­der smit­ten,
All may glo­ri­fy the Lamb.
All adore Thee,
All the Lord of hosts pro­claim.

Honor, glo­ry, and sal­va­tion
To the Lord our God we give.
Power, and end­less ado­ra­tion,
Thou art wor­thy to re­ceive.
Reign tri­um­phant,
King of kings, for­ev­er live!