Scripture Verse

You were redeemed…with the precious blood of Christ. 1 Peter 1:18–19


Words: Nell­ie Ed­wards, 1904.

Music: Ran C. Sto­ry (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ed­wards or Sto­ry (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Once in sin’s dark­est night
I was wan­der­ing alone;
A stran­ger to mer­cy I stood.
But the Sav­ior came nigh
When he heard my faint cry,
And He put my sins un­der the blood.


They are cov­ered by the blood;
They are cov­ered by the blood;
My sins are all cov­ered by the blood.
Mine ini­qui­ties so vast
Have been blot­ted out at last,
My sins are all cov­ered by the blood.

From the bur­den I car­ried
Now I am set free,
For Je­sus has lift­ed my load.
O the love and the grace
I re­ceived in its place
When he put my sins un­der the blood.


I can ne’er un­der­stand
Why He sought ev­en me,
Why His life­blood on Cal­va­ry flowed.
But suf­fi­cient for me,
Since He died on the tree,
He hath put my sins un­der the blood.


Now He comes to my heart
And re­moves ev­ery care;
He bears all my cum­ber­ing load.
In a path­way re­plete
With His love are my feet,
Since He put my sins un­der the blood.
