Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed, and hath appeared to Simon. Luke 24:34


Lowell Mason (1792–1872)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Our Lord’s Res­ur­rect­ion (Lon­don: Will­iam Stra­han, 1746), num­ber 11.

Music: Bea­loth Lo­well Ma­son, Sac­red Harp 1843 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Come ye that seek the Lord,
Him that was cru­ci­fied,
Come list­en to the Gos­pel word,
And feel it now ap­plied;
To ev­ery soul of man
The joy­ful news we show,
Jesus for ev­ery sin­ner slain,
Is ris’n again for you.

The Lord is ris­en in­deed,
And did to us appear,
He hath been seen, our liv­ing head,
By ma­ny a Pe­ter here:
We, who so oft de­nied
Our mast­er and our God,
Have thrust our hand in­to His side,
And felt the stream­ing blood.

Raised from the dead we are
The mem­bers with their Lord,
And bold­ly in His name de­clare
The soul re­viv­ing word;
Salvation we pro­claim
Which ev­ery soul may find,
Pardon and peace in Je­sus’ name,
And life for all man­kind.

O might they all re­ceive
The bleed­ing Prince of Peace!
Sinners, the glad re­port be­lieve,
Of Je­sus’ wit­ness­es;
He lives, who spilt His blood;
Believe our re­cord true,
The arm, the pow­er, the Son of God
Shall be re­vealed in you.