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Scripture Verse

He will be very gracious unto thee at the voice of thy cry; when He shall hear it, He will answer thee. Isaiah 30:19


Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905)

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Miss­ing Link Ma­ga­zine, Vol­ume 18 (Lon­don: El­li­ot Stock, June 1, 1882), page 176.

Music: Má­la­ga Ada R. Gibbs (1864–1905) (🔊 ).


When you are sore be­wil­dered,
Not know­ing what to do,
When all your schemes seemed baf­fled,
And earth­ly help­ers few—

Go to the Lord for guid­ance
As well as for His grace;
Look up for His di­rect­ion,
And strength to run the race.

He will be ve­ry gra­cious
When un­to Him you cry;
When He shall hear He’ll an­swer
To prove that He is nigh.

What tho’ you can­not see it,
Each step is marked for you,
Planned in the light of His deep love,
Who gave His life for you.

He knows your ev­ery sor­row,
Each lit­tle cross and care;
Each trif­ling dai­ly wor­ry
So dif­fi­cult to bear.

’Twas just be­cause He loved you
He left His throne on high;
To save you and re­deem you,
To suf­fer and to die.

And still be­cause He loves you
These lit­tle wor­ries come,
That they may ev­er tell you,
You are not yet at home.

But in this far-off coun­try,
Where wea­ry feet oft slide,
How rest­ful to re­mem­ber
Your Sav­ior is your guide.

Yes! near each day to whis­per
His words in­to your ear,
This the way—walk in it;
Go for­ward—nev­er fear.

Near you till life is ov­er,
Near you by day and night;
Near you un­til He takes you
Into His per­fect light!