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Scripture Verse

Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Psalm 32:7


Theodore E. Perkins

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Sab­bath Car­ols, ed­it­ed by Theo­dore Per­kins (New York: Brown & Per­kins, 1868), page 78.

Music: Theo­dore E. Per­kins (🔊 ).

Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)


When I was chor­is­ter in Mr. Moo­dy’s Sun­day school, on the north side of Chi­ca­go, we fre­quent­ly used this hymn.

On the me­mo­ra­ble Sun­day [in Oc­to­ber 1871] when the ci­ty was des­troyed by fire, and I had made my es­cape in a small boat out in­to Lake Mi­chi­gan, this song came to my mind, and as I sat there watch­ing the ci­ty burn I sang [it].

Sankey, p. 150


Dark is the night,
And cold the wind is blow­ing,
Nearer and near­er
Comes the break­ers’ roar;
Where shall I go,
Or whi­ther fly for re­fuge?
Hide me, my Fa­ther,
Till the storm is o’er.


With His lov­ing hand to guide,
Let the clouds ab­ove me roll,
And the bil­lows in their fu­ry
Dash around me.
I can brave the wild­est storm,
With His glo­ry in my soul,
I can sing amidst the tem­pest—
Praise the Lord!

Dark is the night,
But cheer­ing is the pro­mise,
He will go with me
O’er the trou­bled wave;
Safe He will lead me
Through the path­less wa­ters,
Jesus, the migh­ty One,
And strong to save.


Dark is the night,
But lo! the day is break­ing,
Onward my bark,
Unfurl thy ev­ery sail,
Now at the helm I see
My Fa­ther stand­ing,
Soon will my an­chor
Drop with­in the veil.
