The name that is above every name.
Philippians 2:9
Words: Samuel Medley (1738–1799).
Music: Abends Herbert S. Oakeley, 1874 (🔊
Dearest of names, our Lord, our king!
Jesus, Thy praise we humbly sing;
In cheerful songs will spend our breath,
And in Thee triumph over death.
Death is no more among our foes,
Since Christ the mighty Conqueror rose;
Both power and sting the Savior broke,
He died, and gave the finished stroke.
Saints die, and we should gently weep;
Sweetly in Jesus’ arms they sleep;
Far from this world of sin and woe,
Nor sin, nor pain, nor grief they know.
Death no terrific foe appears,
An angel’s lovely form he wears;
A friendly messenger he proves
To every soul whom Jesus loves.
Death is a sleep; and O, how sweet,
To souls prepared its stroke to meet!
Their dying beds, their graves are blessed,
For all to them is peace and rest.
Their bodies sleep, their souls take wing,
Uprise to Heaven, and there they sing
With joy, before the Savior’s face
Triumphant in victorious grace.
Soon shall the earth’s remotest bound
Feel the archangel’s trumpet sound;
Then shall the graves’ dark caverns shake,
And joyful, all the saints shall wake.
Bodies and souls shall then unite,
Arrayed in glory strong and bright;
And all His saints will Jesus bring,
His face to see, His love to sing.
O, may I live with Jesus nigh,
And sleep in Jesus when I die!
Then joyful, when from death I wake,
I shall eternal bliss partake.