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Scripture Verse

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19–20


Richard W. Adams (1952–)

Words: Ri­chard W. Ad­ams, 2000, 2022.

Music: Mis­sion­ary Hymn Low­ell Ma­son, 1823 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tunes:


Disciples of all na­tions,
The Lord calls us to make,
Baptizing new be­liev­ers
And mak­ing id­ols shake.
He shows us the ex­am­ples,
Of how we should re­spond,
In Scrip­ture sto­ries glo­ri­ous
Of ser­vants now long gone.

Like Sam­uel at Shi­loh,
When came the mid­night call,
Obedient to his mas­ter,
He hur­ried down the hall.
Not ful­ly un­der­stand­ing,
Ignoring any fears,
He gave cou­rag­eous an­swer,
Speak, Lord, Your ser­vant hears.

Like Gi­de­on of Ma­nas­seh,
We think our­selves too small,
But God the Lord is with us,
A tow­er that can­not fall.
We need no migh­ty ar­my,
No wea­pons made of man;
Watch God sup­ply the help­ers,
And then re­veal the plan.

As Ab­ra­ham gave Is­aac,
As par­ents so may we
Be asked to give our child­ren
For ser­vice full and free.
If asked, then, do not fal­ter,
But send them on their way
To spread the won­drous tid­ings,
That night may turn to day.

As Mos­es stood in Egypt,
And God gave words to speak,
So will He give us bold­ness,
Though we be frail and weak.
His Spir­it will em­pow­er us
To reach the sin­ner’s heart
And bring the lost to Je­sus,
As des­tined from the start.

Like Sam­son con­se­crat­ed,
If we stay true to God,
He gives us strength and pow­er,
The Spir­it’s migh­ty rod.
But if we fall away, then,
Our weak­ness will re­turn;
So pray, stay loy­al, faith­ful,
And God His might will lend.

Like Paul, there may be suf­fer­ing,
And hea­vy the de­mands,
But heed not the re­jec­tion,
And hold to His com­mands.
Teach all that I have taught you,
As wit­ness­es be true;
Tell all the world My Gos­pel,
And I will be with you.

Sacrifice of Isaac
Jacopo da Empoli (1551–1640)