Scripture Verse

The devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8


William Tans’ur (1700–1783)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­ual Songs, 1706–09, Book 2, num­ber 163. Com­plaint of de­ser­tion and temp­ta­tions.

Music: Ban­gor Will­iam Tan­s’ur, 1734 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Isaac Watts (1674–1748)


Dear Lord! be­hold our sore dis­tress;
Our sins at­tempt to reign;
Stretch out Thine arm of con­quer­ing grace,
And let Thy foes be slain.

The li­on with his dread­ful roar
Affrights Thy fee­ble sheep:
Reveal the glo­ry of Thy pow­er,
And chain him to the deep.

Must we in­dulge a long des­pair?
Shall our pe­ti­tions die?
Our mourn­ings nev­er reach Thine ear,
Nor tears af­fect Thine eye?

If Thou des­pise a mor­tal groan,
Yet hear a Sav­ior’s blood;
An ad­vo­cate so near the throne
Pleads and pre­vails with God.

He brought the Spir­it’s pow­er­ful sword
To slay our dead­ly foes;
Our sins shall die be­neath Thy Word,
And hell in vain op­pose.

How bound­less is our Fa­ther’s grace,
In height, and depth, and length!
He makes his Son our right­eous­ness,
His Spir­it is our strength.