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Scripture Verse

Jesus washes all our sins away. 1 John 1:7


Words & Mu­sic: James D. Vaugh­an, 1904 (🔊 ).

James Vaughan


Don’t you want to go to
That hap­py home on high?
Where the good shall meet,
Yes meet to part no more.
And shall live and reign
Far above the star­ry sky.
In that sun­ny clime
Upon the gold­en shore.


Don’t you want to go?
Don’t you want to go?
While we plead and pray,
Make the start to­day;
Jesus bids you come
To that hap­py home:
Don’t you want to go?
Don’t you want to go?

Think how ma­ny pray­ers
Have been of­fered up for you:
Often while you slept,
Dear mo­ther’s tears did flow.
Turn and seek sal­va­tion,
O to her love be true.
While your friends are wait­ing,
Don’t you want to go?

Time is swift­ly pass­ing, and
Soon will close the gate.
Then your soul must sink
In ev­er­last­ing woe;
Give your heart to Je­sus,
For soon ’twill be too late.
Mother now is wait­ing,
Don’t you want to go?

Could you stand in judg­ment,
If you should die to­day?
All that you have writ­ten
You must face, you know.
Jesus now is plead­ing,
He’ll wash your sins away.
To that home in glo­ry,
Don’t you want to go?