Scripture Verse

I…will draw all men to Myself. John 12:32


Lucy Larcom (1824–1893)

Words: Lucy Lar­com, At the Beau­ti­ful Gate and Oth­er Songs of Faith (New York & Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Hough­ton, Mif­flin, 1892), pages 55–56.

Music: St. Ed­mund (Sul­li­van) Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, in The Hym­na­ry (Lon­don: 1872) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)


Draw Thou my soul, O Christ, clos­er to Thine!
Breathe in­to ev­ery wish Thy will di­vine!
Raised my low self above, won by Thy death­less love,
Ever, O Christ, through mine let Thy life shine.

Lead forth my soul, O Christ, one with Thine own,
Joyful to fol­low Thee through paths un­known!
In Thee my strength re­new; give me Thy work to do!
Through me Thy truth be shown,
Thy love made known!

Not for my­self alone may my pray­er be—
Lift Thou Thy world, O Christ, clos­er to Thee;
Cleanse it from guilt and wrong;
Teach it sal­va­tion’s song!
Make it alive in Thee—per­fect in Thee!

Nearer to Thee, O Christ, near­er to Thee!
Till we in Thy dear face God’s glo­ry see!
Heav’nward our hopes as­cend,
Savior and Lord and friend!
Oh, draw us all to Thee, near­er to Thee!