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Scripture Verse

You have left your first love. Revelation 2:4


William E. M. Hackleman (1868–1927)

Words: Jes­sie B. Pounds, in Sil­ver and Gold No. 1, ed­it­ed by James V. Coombs & Will­iam Hack­le­man (In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana: Hack­le­man Mu­sic, 1898), num­ber 23.

Music: Will­iam E. M. Hack­le­man (🔊 ).

Jessie Pounds (1861–1921)


You are drift­ing far from shore,
Leaning on an idle oar,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down;
You are drift­ing with the tide,
To the ocean wild and wide,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down.


You are drift­ing down,
Drifting down
To the dark and aw­ful sea;
You are drift­ing down
From a Fa­ther’s lov­ing care,
To the black­ness of des­pair,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down.

Lights up­on the home­land shore
Give you warn­ing o’er and o’er,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down;
Soon be­yond the har­bor bar
Will your boat be car­ried far,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down.


Voices from the home­land shore
Fainter grow as they im­plore,
You are drift­ing, slow­ly drift­ing,
Drifting down;
O my bro­ther, do not wait;
Heed them ere it be too late,
Ere for­ev­er you have drift­ed,
Drifted down.
