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Scripture Verse

He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names. Psalm 147:4


Words: J. Wil­helm Hey, Fa­beln für Kind­er, se­cond ser­ies, 1837 (Weißt du, wie viel Stern­lein ste­hen?). Trans­lat­or un­known.

Music: Stars Ger­man tune (🔊 ).

J. Wilhelm Hey (1789–1854)


Do you know how ma­ny stars
There are shin­ing in the sky?
Do you know how ma­ny clouds
Every day go float­ing by?
God, the Lord, their num­ber know­eth,
For each one His care He show­eth,
Of the bright and bound­less host,
Of the bright and bound­less host.

Do you know how ma­ny bird­ies
In the sun­shine sing each day?
Do you know how ma­ny fish­es
In the spark­ling wa­ter play?
God, the Lord, who dwells in Heav­en,
Name and life to each has giv­en,
In His love they live and move,
In His love they live and move.

Do you know how ma­ny child­ren
Go to lit­tle beds at night,
And with­out a care or sor­row
Wake again with morn­ing light?
God in Heav’n each name can tell,
Know us, too, and loves us well,
He’s our best and dear­est friend,
He’s our best and dear­est friend.