Scripture Verse

The winter is past, the rain is over and gone; the flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come. Song of Solomon 2:11–12


Words: Eli­za M. Sher­man, in Hap­py Greet­ings, by Asa Hull (New York: Asa Hull, 1888), pag­es 154–55.

Music: Jo­na­than E. Hall (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Sher­man or Hall (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Roses bring and li­lies sweet,
Now to cast at Je­sus’ feet;
Roses for our of­fer­ing bring,
Unto Christ, our ris­en king.
Lilies sweet as breath of May,
For the re­sur­rect­ion day;
Roses bring and li­lies sweet,
Now to cast at Je­sus’ feet.


Bringing ros­es, bring­ing li­lies,
Now to cast at Je­sus’ feet;
Bringing ros­es, bring­ing li­lies,
Now to cast at Je­sus’ feet.

Carols sing, and sweet­est praise
Bring to Him these East­er days;
Golden gate, lift up your head,
Christ is ris­en from the dead.
And the re­sur­rect­ion day
Floods the place where Je­sus lay;
Carols sing, and sweet­est praise
Bring to Him these East­er days.


Twine the cy­press, wreathe the bay;
Christ, our king, arose to­day;
Sing, my soul, in joy­ous strain,
Jesus died and rose again.
So we’ll rise and live al­way,
When shall dawn our East­er day;
Twine the cy­press, wreathe the bay;
Christ, our king, arose to­day.
