Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


Pauline F. Camp (1863–1939)

Words & Mu­sic: Paul­ine F. Camp, 1912 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Easter sun­light, ov­er hill and vall­ey,
Easter blos­soms, fair­est of the year;
Easter breez­es bear­ing on their pin­ions,
Music of the East­er bells, in chim­ing sweet and clear.


Easter bells are chim­ing out, hear their sil­ver ring­ing;
Easter voic­es ev­ery­where in joy­ful chor­us sing.
Easter bells and voic­es, too, join to­ge­ther sing­ing:
Glory to our ris­en Lord, our Sav­ior and our king.

Little child­ren, join­ing in the chor­us,
Swell the ech­oes, as they march along;
We, among them, glad­ly lend our voic­es;
Jesus loves to hear us sing our hap­py East­er song.


Jesus Christ arose on East­er morn­ing!
’Tis the sto­ry that the Bi­ble tells;
Rose, that we might live with Him for­ev­er—
This the hap­py mes­sage of the joy­ous East­er bells.
