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Scripture Verse

He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Voic­es of Praise, ed­it­ed by Charles L. Hut­chins (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Dit­son, 1883), num­ber 83.

Music: East­er Dawn Charles A. Bar­ry (1830–1915) (🔊 ).


Easter day hath dawned again,
Past the night of grief and pain,
Vain the guard, the tomb in vain,
To hold our bur­ied Je­sus!

Faithful hearts their watch have kept,
Loving eyes have mourned and wept,
Where, it seemed, He late­ly slept,
So still and si­lent, Je­sus!

Now, all tears have passed away,
With the ear­ly morn­ing ray;
From the grave, where once He lay,
There hath aris­en Je­sus!

Risen, He hath wor­shiped been
By re­pent­ant Mag­da­lene,
And by Si­mon hath been seen,
Our all-tri­um­phant Je­sus!

On this bless­èd ev­en­tide,
Two there were He walked be­side,
And they prayed—With us ab­ide!
Although they knew not Je­sus!

Jesu, Lord! I pray to Thee,
Though Thy face not yet I see,
Evermore ab­ide with me—
My Lord—my God—my Je­sus!