Scripture Verse

The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in My name. John 14:26


Thomas Haweis

Words: Tho­mas Haweis, Car­mi­na Chris­to 1792.

Music: Rom­berg Tho­mas Hast­ings, 1846 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Hastings


Enthroned on high, al­mig­hty Lord!
The Holy Ghost send down;
Fulfill in us Thy faith­ful word,
And all Thy mer­cies crown.

Though on our heads no tongues of fire
Their wondrous pow­ers im­part,
Grant, Sav­ior, what we more de­sire,
Thy Spir­it in our heart.

Spirit of life and light and love,
Thy heav’nly influence give;
Quicken our souls, our guilt re­move,
That we in Christ may live.

To our benighted minds re­veal
The glories of His grace.
And bring us where no clouds con­ceal
The brightness of His face.

His love within us shed abroad,
Life’s ever springing well,
Till God in us, and we in God,
In love eter­nal dwell.