When ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
Matthew 24:33ā34
Words & MuĀsic: FrankĀlin E. BelĀden, 1886 (š
). ApĀpeared in The SeĀventh-Day AdĀventĀist Hymn and Tune Book (BatĀtle Creek, MiĀchiĀgan: ReĀview & HeĀrald, 1888), numĀber 1325.
The comĀing King is at the door
Who once the cross for sinĀners bore;
But now the rightĀeous ones alone
He comes to gaĀther home.
At the door, at the door,
At the door, yes, evĀen at the door;
He is comĀing, He is comĀing,
He is evĀen at the door.
The signs that show His comĀing near
Are fast fulĀfillĀing year by year,
And soon weāll hail the gloĀrious dawn
Of Heavānās eterĀnal morn.
Look not on earth for strife to cease;
Look not beĀlow for joy and peace
Until the SavĀior comes again
To banĀish death and sin.
Then in the gloĀrious earth made new
Weāll dwell the countĀless ages through;
This morĀtal shall imĀmorĀtal be,
And time, eterĀniĀty.