Scripture Verse

He will be our guide even to the end. Psalm 48:14


James Rowe (1865–1933)

Words: James Rowe, in the Song Crown, by Aus­tin Tay­lor et al. (Aus­tin, Tex­as: Firm Foun­da­tion Pub­lish­ing, 1912), num­ber 67.

Music: Da­vid M. Ra­gle (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Rowe or Ra­gle,

David M. Ragle (1868–1960)


Every step, my Sav­ior, lead Thou me,
Then I shall not go as­tray;
Safe in Thy dear keep­ing I shall be,
Till shall dawn the bet­ter day.


Every step, ev­ery step,
Let me ne­ver walk alone;
Keep my hand in Thine,
O Thou friend di­vine,
Till I stand be­fore Thy throne.

There are foes who try to take con­trol,
Who would lead me in­to sin;
Every step, dear Je­sus, lead my soul,
Then I know that I shall win.


If I feel the touch of Thy dear hand,
I shall trust Thy sav­ing grace,
And in ev­ery tri­al firm­ly stand
Till I meet Thee face to face.
