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Scripture Verse

This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4


John H. Yates (1837–1900)

Words: John H. Yates, 1891. First pub­lished in the Chris­tian En­dea­vor Hym­nal.

Music: Ira D. San­key (🔊 ).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Encamped along the hills of light,
Ye Chris­tian sol­diers, rise.
And press the bat­tle ere the night
Shall veil the glow­ing skies.
Against the foe in vales be­low
Let all our strength be hurled.
Faith is the vic­to­ry, we know,
That ov­er­comes the world.


Faith is the vic­to­ry! Faith is the vic­to­ry!
O glo­ri­ous vic­to­ry, that overcomes the world.

His ban­ner ov­er us is love,
Our sword the Word of God.
We tread the road the saints above
With shouts of tri­umph trod.
By faith, they like a whirl­wind’s breath,
Swept on o’er ev­ery field.
The faith by which they con­quered death
Is still our shin­ing shield.


On ev­ery hand the foe we find
Drawn up in dread ar­ray.
Let tents of ease be left be­hind,
And on­ward to the fray.
Salvation’s hel­met on each head,
With truth all girt about,
The earth shall trem­ble ’neath our tread,
And ec­ho with our shout.


To him that ov­er­comes the foe,
White rai­ment shall be giv’n.
Before the an­gels he shall know
His name con­fessed in Heav’n.
Then on­ward from the hill of light,
Our hearts with love aflame,
We’ll van­quish all the hosts of night,
In Je­sus’ con­qu’ring name.
