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Scripture Verse

Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. Psalm 127:1


Words: Hen­ry C. Shut­tle­worth, in the Church Month­ly, 1898.

Music: Llan­goed­mor Welsh hymn tune (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

Henry C. Shuttleworth


Father of men, in whom are one
All hu­man­kind be­neath Thy sun,
Stablish our work in Thee be­gun.
Except the house be built of Thee,
In vain the build­er’s toil must be:
O strength­en our in­fir­mi­ty.

Man lives not for him­self alone,
In oth­ers’ good he finds his own;
Life’s worth in fel­low­ship is known.
We, friends and com­rades on life’s way,
Gather with­in these walls to pray:
Bless Thou our fel­low­ship to­day.

O Christ, our el­der bro­ther, who
By serv­ing man God’s will didst do,
Help us to serve our breth­ren, too.
Guide us to seek the things above,
The base to shun, the pure ap­prove,
To live by Thy free law of love.

In all our work, in all our play,
Be with us, Lord, our friend, our stay;
Lead on­ward to the per­fect day:
Then may we know, earth’s les­son o’er,
With com­rades missed or gone be­fore,
Heav’n’s fel­low­ship for ev­er­more.