Scripture Verse

If you warn a wicked person to turn from his way and he doesn’t turn from it, he will die for his iniquity, but you will have rescued yourself. Ezekiel 33:9


William P. Fife (1858–1907)

Words: Will­iam P. Fife, in Crown­ing Glo­ry No. 2, by Pe­ter Bil­horn (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Bil­horn Bro­thers, 1890), num­ber 6.

Music: Pe­ter P. Bil­horn, 1891 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Peter P. Bilhorn (1865–1936)



How swift­ly the years of our pil­grim­age fly,
As weeks, months and sea­sons roll si­lent­ly by;
Our days are soon num­bered, and death sounds our knell;
We scarce know our friends till we bid them fare­well.


I’ll bid you fare­well, I’ll bid you fare­well;
I’ve begged and per­suad­ed, but can not com­pel;
I’ll bid you fare­well, I’ll bid you fare­well;
Till judg­ment day, there­fore, I’ll bid you fare­well.

The right­eous and wick­ed move swift­ly along,
In crowds to the grave, both the old and the young;
The good rise to Hea­ven, the bad sink to hell;
They take on life’s verge an eter­nal fare­well.


To you, fel­low Chris­tians, I turn with de­light;
The grave can not harm you, your fu­ture is bright;
Be faith­ful and hum­ble, temp­ta­tions re­pel;
You’ll soon leave this world with a smil­ing fare­well.


Farewell, fel­low sin­ners, I’m free from your blood;
My mes­sage de­liv­ered, I leave you with God;
I’ve begged and per­suad­ed, but can not com­pel;
Till judg­ment day, there­fore, I bid you fare­well.
