Scripture Verse

Where shall wisdom be found? And where is the place of understanding?…It cannot be gotten for gold. Job 28:12–15


Words & Mu­sic: Frank­lin D. Barnes, in Ca­rols of Hope, ed­it­ed by Clar­ence M. Sea­mans, Fred­er­ick S. Stan­ton & Fran­cis A. Black­mer (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ad­vent Chris­tian Pub­li­ca­tion So­ci­ety, 1906), num­ber 33 (🔊 pdf nwc).


The Bi­ble our guide, far more pre­cious than gold,
The half of its glo­ries have ne­ver been told;
Its won­der­ful words for the old and the young,
The grand­est e’er spok­en by poor mor­tal tongue.


Far more pre­cious than gold,
More pre­cious than gold,
The won­der­ful things re­vealed to us
Are far more pre­cious than gold.

The Bi­ble our coun­sel, re­veals pre­cious truth,
Support for the ag­èd, the guide of our youth;
A comfort by night, and a guide for the day,
And glo­ri­ous things at the end of the way.


Exceeding great pro­mis­es here do we see,
And they are most pre­cious to you and to me;
The pro­mise that He will be with us alway,
Then we shall be with Him for­ev­er to stay.


The won­der­ful things in the Bi­ble con­tained,
Most heart stir­ring tid­ings man ev­er pro­claimed;
The won­der­ful things of the Bi­ble are true,
And this is the dear­est, that Je­sus loves you.
