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Scripture Verse

Now are they many members, yet but one body. 1 Corinthians 12:20


Arthur H. Mann (1850–1929)

Words: Sam­uel J. Stone, 1871. Writ­ten for the First Day of In­ter­ces­sion for For­eign Mis­sions. Pub­lished in Stone’s Knight of In­ter­ces­sion, 1872.

Music: An­gel’s Sto­ry Ar­thur H. Mann, in The Me­tho­dist Sun­day School Hymn­book (Lon­don: 1881) (🔊 ).

Samuel Stone (1839–1900)


Far off our breth­ren’s voic­es
Are borne from ali­en lands,
Far off our Fa­ther’s child­ren
Reach out their wait­ing hands:
Give us, they cry, our por­tion;
Co-heirs of grace di­vine:
Give us the word of pro­mise,
Give us the Three­fold line.

Yea, though the world of wa­ters
Between us ev­er rolls,
No ocean wastes may sev­er
The bro­ther­hood of souls.
Far from us, they are of us;
No bound of all the earth
May part the sons and daugh­ters
Who share the se­cond birth.

One stand­ard floats above us,
One old his­tor­ic throne;
In near­ness or in dist­ance
In loy­al faith we own.
So in the things eter­nal
Adore we at one shrine;
And with the na­tion’s ban­ner
Rear we the Church’s sign.

In hap­pi­est, home­ly com­mune,
When sweet­est songs are sung,
Awakes those ali­en ech­oes
One sac­red mo­ther tongue.
Then let us praise to­ge­ther!
Together let us pray,
And go to­ge­ther home­ward
Upon the an­cient day!

Together, heav’n­ward, home­ward;
For ev­er in our view
One spi­ri­tu­al ci­ty—
Jerusalem the new;
For ev­er draw­ing near­er
To One be­loved, ado­red,
The Cru­ci­fied who bought us,
The crowned, in­car­nate Lord.

Lord God! Eter­nal Fa­ther!
Send down the Ho­ly Dove,
For His dear sake who loved us,
To quick­en us in love;
Bless us with His com­pass­ion,
That we, or ere we rest,
May work to bless our breth­ren,
And, bless­ing, be more blest.