Scripture Verse

…upholding all things by the word of His power. Hebrews 1:3


Henry Ware, Jr. (1794–1843)

Words: Hen­ry Ware, Jr., 1825.

Music: Wor­ship (Hay­dn) Jo­hann M. Hay­dn (1737–1806) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Johann M. Haydn (1737–1806)


Father of earth and Hea­ven,
Whose arm up­holds cre­ation,
To Thee we raise the voice of praise,
And bend in ado­ra­tion.
We praise the pow­er that made us,
We praise the love that bless­es;
While ev­ery day that rolls away
Thy gra­cious care con­fess­es.

Life is from Thee, blest Fa­ther,
From Thee our breath­ing spir­its;
And Thou dost give to all that live
The bliss that each in­her­its.
Day, night, and roll­ing sea­sons,
And all that life em­brac­es,
With bliss are crowned, with joy abound,
And claim our thank­ful prais­es.

Though tri­al and af­flict­ion
May cast their dark shade o’er us,
Thy love doth throw a heav’n­ly glow
Of light on all be­fore us.
That love has smiled from Hea­ven
To cheer our path of sad­ness,
And lead the way, through earth’s dull day,
To realms of end­less glad­ness.

That light of love and glo­ry
Has shone through Christ the Sav­ior,
The ho­ly Guide who lived and died
That we might live for­ev­er.
And since Thy great com­pas­sion
Thus brings Thy child­ren near Thee,
May we to praise de­vote our days,
And love as well as fear Thee.

And when death’s final sum­mons
From earth’s dear scenes shall move us,
From friends, from foes, from joys, from woes,
From all that know and love us,
O, then, let hope at­tend us;
Thy peace to us be giv­en;
That we may rise above the skies,
And sing Thy praise in Hea­ven.