Scripture Verse

O how I love Thy law! Psalm 119:97

Gottfried W. Fink (1783–1846)


Words: John W. Chad­wick, 1874. Ap­peared in A Book of Po­ems, by John White Chad­wick (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Ro­berts Bro­thers, 1876), pag­es 160–61. Sung at a Fes­ti­val of the Free Re­li­gious As­so­cia­tion.

Music: Beth­le­hem (Fink) Gott­fried W. Fink, 1842 (🔊 pdf nwc).

John W. Chadwick (1840–1904)


Father, we come not as of old,
Distrustful of Thy law,
Hoping to find Thy seam­less robe
Marred by some sud­den flaw—
Some rent to let Thy glo­ry through
And make our dark­ness shine,
If hap­ly thus our souls may know
What pow­er and grace are Thine.

Thy seam­less robe con­ceals Thee not
From ear­nest hearts and true;
The glo­ry of Thy per­fect­ness
Shines all its tex­ture through;
And on its trail­ing hem we read,
As Thou dost lin­ger near,
The mes­sage of a love more deep
Than any depth of fear.

And so no more our hearts shall plead
For mi­ra­cle and sign;
Thy or­der and Thy faith­ful­ness
Are all in all di­vine;
These are Thy re­ve­la­tions vast
From ear­li­est days of yore;
These are our con­fi­dence and peace;
We can­not wish for more.