This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
1 John 5:4
Words & Music: Melvin J. Hill, 1910 (🔊
Do you see in the distance yonder,
That line drawn up in array?
’Tis the host of the Loyal Leaguers,
Come forth to the conquest day.
They follow the bloodstained banner,
And the path that their Master trod,
For their sign is the cross of Calv’ry,
And their sword is the Word of God.
Victory, we’ll sing of victory,
For Christ hath promised us the victory;
Victory, we’ll sing of victory,
Faith brings the victory.
They are marching away to conquest
That shall never know a defeat,
For the Christ hath assured all vict’ry
Who are faithful and scorn retreat.
Then join this advancing army,
And look to the throne above,
Lift the form of thy fallen brother,
And point to the God of love.