Scripture Verse

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. Psalm 19:1–2


William H. Burleigh (1812–1871)

Words: Will­iam H. Bur­leigh, Po­ems 1871.

Music: Ado­ra­tion (Wood­man) R. Hunt­ing­ton Wood­man, 1893 (🔊 pdf nwc).

R. Huntington Woodman


For the deep love that
Kept us through the night,
And gave our sens­es to sleep’s gen­tle sway;
For this new won­der of morn­ing’s dawn­ing light,
Flushing the east with pro­phe­cies of day,
We thank Thee, O our God.

For the fresh life that
Through our be­ing flows,
With its full tide to en­rich and to bless;
For calm, sweet thoughts,
Upspringing from re­pose,
To bear to Thee our song of thank­ful­ness,
We praise Thee, O our God.

Day ut­ters speech to day,
And night to night
Tells of Thy glo­ry and pow­er. So would we
Thy child­ren, du­ly, with morn­ing’s gold­en light,
Or still at eve, up­on the bend­ed knee,
Adore Thee, O our God.

Thou know­est our needs,
Thy full­ness will sup­ply;
Our blind­ness, Thy hand will still lead us on;
Till we shall see the Day­spring from on high,
Our pray­er, one on­ly, Let Thy will be done,
We breathe to Thee, O God.