Scripture Verse

Be filled with the Spirit. Ephesians 5:18


Words: Lew­is S. Cha­fer, 1917.

Music: Ja­el Lew­is S. Cha­fer, 1917 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lewis S. Chafer (1871–1952)


Thou art call­ing me, Lord Je­sus,
As Thy liv­ing wit­ness here;
Only by Thy life with­in me
Can I any wit­ness bear.


Fill me, Ho­ly Spir­it, fill me,
All Thy fill­ing I would know;
I am small­est of Thy ves­sels,
Yet I much can ov­er­flow.

Thou art call­ing me, Lord Je­sus,
To be work­ing one with Thee;
Only by Thy life with­in me
Can there any ser­vice be.


Thou art call­ing me, Lord Je­sus,
To pre­vail­ing power in pray­er;
Only by Thy life within me
Can I intercession share.


Thou art calling me, Lord Je­sus,
To a victor’s holy life:
Only by Thy life within me
Is there conquest in the strife.
