Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14


Isaac Meredith (1872–1962)

Words: Grant C. Tul­lar, Sun­day School Hymns No. 1 (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1903), num­ber 262.

Music: Is­aac H. Me­re­dith, Sun­day School Hymns No. 1 (New York: Tul­lar-Me­re­dith, 1903), num­ber 92 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Grant C. Tullar (1869–1950)


Beautiful song of Christ­mas!
Sung in the long ago,
Bringing the joy of Hea­ven,
Down to the earth be­low.
Story of deep­est mean­ing,
Burst forth in mu­sic sweet,
While from afar the wise men
Gathered at Je­sus’ feet.


Blend your voice in the song so sweet,
Bring your gifts to the Sav­ior’s feet.
Let each heart with His prais­es ring
Pay your hom­age to Je­sus,
Our prince and king!

Beautiful song of Christ­mas,
Message of peace, good will,
Sung first by an­gel chor­us,
Sweetly it ech­oes still.
Prophets of Christ had spok­en,
Hope long de­ferred grew dim,
Till from the glow­ing hea­vens,
Angels now told of Him.


Beautiful song of Christ­mas—
Rings in each heart to­day,
Telling of Christ, the Sav­ior,
Driving the gloom away.
Age, with her sil­ver tress­es,
Youth, with her smile and song,
Join in the theme of ag­es,
With the glad an­gel throng.
