Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift.
2 Corinthians 9:15
Words: Charles Wesley, Hymns for the Nativity of Our Lord (London: William Strahan, 1745), number 9.
Music: Bealoth Lowell Mason, Sacred Harp 1843 (🔊
Father, our hearts we lift,
Up to Thy gracious throne,
And bless Thee for the precious gift,
Of Thine incarnate Son;
The gift unspeakable,
We thankfully receive,
And to the world Thy goodness tell,
And to Thy glory live.
Jesus the holy child,
Doth by His birth declare,
That God and men are reconciled,
And one in Him we are;
Salvation through His name
To all mankind is giv’n,
And loud His infant cries proclaim
A peace ’twixt earth and Heav’n.
A peace on earth He brings,
Which never more shall end;
The Lord of hosts, the King of kings,
Declares Himself our friend;
Assumes our flesh and blood,
That we His Sp’rit may gain;
The everlasting Son of God,
The mortal Son of Man.
His kingdom from above,
He doth to us impart,
And pure benevolence and love,
O’erflow the faithful heart;
Changed in a moment we
The sweet attraction find,
With open arms of charity
Embracing all mankind.
O might they all receive,
The new-born Prince of Peace,
And meekly in His Spirit live,
And in His love increase!
Till He convey us home,
Cry every soul aloud,
Come, Thou desire of nations, come,
And take us all to God!