Scripture Verse

Today shalt thou be with Me in paradise. Luke 23:43


Keith L. Brooks (1887–1954)

Words & Mu­sic: Keith L. Brooks, 1920, alt. (🔊 pdf nwc). This song was orig­in­al­ly writ­ten as a so­lo (I in place of we).

Posted Au­gust 20, 2012, in hon­or of my fa­ther, Jim Ad­ams, who passed away this ev­en­ing at the age of 91. A strong be­liev­er, he was a shin­ing ex­am­ple of faith and ser­vice.

We look for­ward to the day when we will see him again.

Dick Adams


We shall meet you again when the sor­rows of night
Forever have van­ished away;
We shall stand by your side in His glo­ry and light,
Oh, that beau­ti­ful, won­der­ful sha­dow­less day.

We shall know in that throng, as they sing of His praise,
The sound of your voice once again,
Free for­e’er from the tri­als of these wea­ri­some days—
Away from all mi­se­ry, sor­row and pain.

Haste the glo­ri­ous day, when our Lord shall re­turn,
No long­er apart we shall roam,
All our loved ones in Christ we shall sure­ly dis­cern—
At rest in His pre­sence, for­ev­er at home.