Scripture Verse

The devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried. Revelation 2:10


Charles Wesley (1707–1788)

Words: Charles We­sley (1707–1788), in The Un­pub­lished Po­et­ry of Charles Wes­ley, by S. T. Kim­brough, Jr., & Ol­iv­er A. Beck­er­leg­ge (Nash­ville, Ten­nes­see: Ab­ing­don Press, 1992), page 311.

Music: Mainz­er Jo­seph Mainz­er, 1841 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Joseph Mainzer (1801–1851)


Father of ev­er­last­ing grace,
Thy aw­ful pro­vi­dence we own,
Holy and just are all Thy ways,
Thy name be praised, Thy will be done.

Thy wise per­mis­sive will be bliss
Which lets the sons of night suc­ceed,
With lawl­ess might Thy ser­vant seize
And trample on his guilt­less head.

By Sa­tan in­to pri­son cast,
His bonds Thy Gos­pel shall pro­claim,
And Thou shalt bring him forth at last,
In hon­or of Thy glo­ri­ous name.

Lord, we be­lieve against his foes,
Thou soon shalt laugh their rage to scorn,
Confound who Thee and Thine op­pose,
And all their hell­ish strength o’er­turn.