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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20

Words: Mar­ga­ret B. Mor­ton (1854–1933). Sung in First Par­ish Church, De­cem­ber 22, 1893, Ply­mouth, Mas­sa­chu­setts.

Music: Am­eri­ca The­saur­us Mu­sic­us, 1744 (🔊 ).


Forth from their fa­ther­land
They sailed—a Pil­grim band,
Freedom to save.
Storm-tossed and tried their bark,
On win­try wa­ters dark;
Faith! Like a liv­ing spark
Lighted the wave.

Across the wa­ters drear
We hear their word of cheer:
God is our stay.
Hope on, what­e’er be­tide,
Trusting the un­seen Guide—
He with us will ab­ide.
God leads the way.

God leads—we fol­low on—
Through paths our fa­thers won
By ser­vice high.
Honored the ground they trod,
Sacred the May­flow­er sod,
Blessed be the Pil­grim’s God—
He still is nigh.

Let us who yet re­main
Live as they—not in vain,
For Truth and Right.
Princes and peers are we,
Serving a con­sci­ence free;
Our birth­right—Li­ber­ty!
God leads with might.