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Scripture Verse

Repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations. Luke 24:47


Oskar Ahnfelt (1813–1882)

Words: Sa­la­thi­el C. Kirk, Mus­ings Along the Way (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: A. H. Sick­ler, 1900), pag­es 71–72.

Music: Ahn­felt Os­kar Ahn­felt, 1872 (🔊 ).

Salathiel C. Kirk


The long roll-call is sound­ing,
Let Is­ra­el awake!
And ev­ery heart re­spond­ing,
New zeal and cour­age take.
With all upon the al­tar
And spir­it all aglow,
We can­not stay nor fal­ter
When du­ty bids us go.

We’ll find the way re­tard­ed
By li­ons in the path,
And ev­ery strong­hold guard­ed
By migh­ty men of Gath.
But if these things af­fright us,
When shall the way be free?
When Sa­tan shall in­vite us—
And that will nev­er be.

If Chris­tians did not weak­en
When near­ing Sa­tan’s grounds,
His king­dom would be shak­en
From cen­ter to its bounds.
Our weak­ness shall not mat­ter,
Unless it comes of doubt;
One shall a thou­sand scat­ter
And two ten thou­sand rout.

The hour is here for mov­ing,
Wait not the mor­row’s sun;
The Church our faith is prov­ing,
The vic­to­ry must be won.
Then gird the ar­mor, bro­ther,
To loi­ter would be shame;
Press close to one ano­ther,
And for­ward in His name.