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Scripture Verse

We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:12–13


Carrie E. Breck (1855–1934)

Words: Car­rie E. Breck, 1900.

Music: Grant C. Tul­lar (🔊 ).

Grant C. Tullar (1869–1950)


Christ, our migh­ty cap­tain,
Leads against the foe,
We will ne­ver fal­ter
When He bids us go;
Tho’ His right­eous pur­pose
We may ne­ver know,
Yet we’ll fol­low all the way.


Forward! for­ward!
’Tis the Lord’s com­mand;
Forward! for­ward!
To the pro­mised land;
Forward! for­ward!
Let the chor­us ring:
We are sure to win with
Christ, our king!

Satan’s fear­ful on­slaughts
Cannot make us yield;
While we trust in Christ,
Our buck­ler and our shield;
Pressing ev­er on—the
Spirit’s sword we wield,
And we fol­low all the way.


Let our glo­ri­ous ban­ner
Ever be un­furled;
From its migh­ty strong­hold
Evil shall be hurled;
Christ, our migh­ty cap­tain,
Overcomes the world,
And we fol­low all the way.


Fierce the bat­tle rag­es—
But ’twill not be long,
Then tri­um­phant, shall we
Join the bless­èd throng,
Joyfully unit­ing
In the vic­tor’s song—
If we fol­low all the way.
