Scripture Verse

Wilt Thou not revive us again, that Thy people may rejoice in Thee? Psalm 85:6


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1910 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)



For a world­wide re­viv­al,
Blessèd Mas­ter, we pray.
Let the pow­er of the High­est
Be up­on us to­day;
For this world, dear­ly pur­chased
By the blood of God’s Son,
Back from Sa­tan’s do­min­ion
And from sin must be won.


Send the pow­er, O Lord,
Send the pow­er, O Lord.
Send the Ho­ly Ghost pow­er;
Let it now be out­poured.
Send it surg­ing and sweep­ing
Like the waves of the sea.
Send a world­wide re­viv­al,
And be­gin it in me.

Send the show­ers of bless­ing,
As de­clared in Thy Word,
Let the Spir­it of pro­mise
On all flesh be out­poured;
Send the lat­ter rain on us,
Till the land ov­er­flows,
Till the de­sert, re­joic­ing,
Blossoms forth as the rose.


There’s a sound of a go­ing
In the mul­ber­ry trees,

News of na­tions awak­ing
Borne upon ev’ry breeze;
For the pray­ers of His child­ren,
God in mer­cy doth own.
The re­viv­al’s be­gin­ning,
And the pow­er’s com­ing down.
