Scripture Verse

A friend of tax collectors and sinners. Luke 7:34


Newman Hall (1816–1902)

Words: C. New­man Hall, 1857.

Music: Carl­ton Jo­seph Barn­by, 1869 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)

Origin of the Hymn

This hymn was com­posed for the au­thor’s fa­ther, John Vine Hall, who wrote the well known tract ti­tled The Sin­ner’s Friend.

It is dated Bol­ton Ab­bey, Sep­tem­ber 1857, and was first pub­lished in the au­thor’s Hymns Com­posed at Bol­ton Ab­bey and Oth­er Rhymes, Lon­don, 1858.

Nutter, p. 72


Friend of sin­ners, Lord of glo­ry,
Lowly, migh­ty, bro­ther, king!
Musing o’er Thy won­drous sto­ry,
Grateful we Thy prais­es sing:
Friend to help us, cheer us, save us,
In whom pow­er and pi­ty blend—
Praise we must the grace which gave us
Jesus Christ, the sin­ners’ friend.

Friend who nev­er fails nor grieves us,
Faithful, ten­der, con­stant, kind;
Friend who at all times re­ceives us,
Friend who came the lost to find.
Sorrow sooth­ing, joys en­hanc­ing,
Loving un­til life shall end;
Then con­fer­ring bliss en­tranc­ing,
Still, in Heav­en, the sin­ners’ friend.

O to love and serve Thee bet­ter!
From all ev­il set us free;
Break, Lord, ev­ery sin­ful fet­ter;
Be each thought con­formed to Thee:
Looking for Thy bright ap­pear­ing,
May our spir­its up­ward tend;
Till no long­er doubt­ing, fear­ing,
We behold the sin­ners’ friend.