Scripture Verse

Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross. Hebrews 12:2


Words: Mrs. Ell­en Pat­ton, in Chim­ing Voic­es, ed­it­ed by James Ro­se­crans & J. T. Toof (New York: Asa Hull, 1893), page 133.

Music: Sas­kat­che­wan James H. Ro­se­crans (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pat­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

James H. Rosecrans


I will flee a wound­ed dove
To the mount­ain of God’s love;
Hide me in the cleft­ed rock,
From the world’s wild tem­pest shock;
Seal me, Christ, Thy ve­ry own,
Anchor me fast to the throne.

Shown my­self, I fled away,
Out of night in­to the day;
Show my Lord, I now de­sire
Heart and brain be set on fire,
Just to do my mas­ter’s will—
When death comes, to praise Him still.

I am weak, but Thou art strong;
Bear me through the pass­ing throng
Of life’s cares and bit­ter grief;
Let me ev­er find re­lief
Looking to the height sub­lime,
Just be­yond the shores of time.

Drop in­to my life sweet trust,
Write my name among the just;
Make me Yours in heart, my king,
And Thy prais­es I will sing;
While sup­plies of grace come down,
Guiding me from cross to crown.