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Scripture Verse

Jesus said, It is finished. With that, He bowed His head and gave up His Spirit. John 19:30


Horatius Bonar (1808–1889)

Words: Ho­ra­ti­us Bo­nar, Hymns of Faith and Hope, third ser­ies (New York: Ro­bert Car­ter & Bro­thers, 1868), pag­es 11–12.

Music: Ge­noa (Barn­by) Jo­seph Barn­by, 1886 (🔊 ).

Joseph Barnby (1838–1896)


From the cross the blood is fall­ing,
And to us a voice is call­ing,
Like a trum­pet sil­ver-clear.
’Tis the voice an­nounc­ing par­don,
It is fin­ished is its bur­den,
Pardon to the far and near.

Peace that pre­cious blood is seal­ing,
All our wounds for ev­er heal­ing,
And re­mov­ing ev­ery load;
Words of peace that voice has spok­en,
Peace that shall no more be brok­en,
Peace be­tween the soul and God.

Love its full­ness there un­fold­ing,
Stand we here in joy be­hold­ing,
To the ex­iled sons of men;
Love the glad­ness past all nam­ing,
Of an op­en Heav­en pro­claim­ing,
Love that bids us en­ter in.

God is love—we read the writ­ing
Traced so deep­ly in the smit­ing
Of the glo­ri­ous Sure­ty there.
God is light—we see it beam­ing
Like a heav­en­ly day­spring gleam­ing
So di­vine­ly sweet and fair.

Cross of shame, yet tree of glo­ry,
Round thee winds the one great sto­ry
Of this ev­er-chang­ing earth;
Center of the true and ho­ly,
Grave of hu­man sin and fol­ly,
Womb of na­ture’s se­cond birth.