Scripture Verse

Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Matthew 4:23


William F. Sherwin

Words: Will­iam F. Sher­win, 1880.

Music: Min­ne­ap­olis Will­iam F. Sher­win, 1880 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Galilee, bright Ga­li­lee,
Hallowed thoughts we turn to thee!
Woven through thy his­to­ry,
Gleams the charm­ing mys­te­ry
Of the life of one who came,
Bearing grief, re­proach and shame,
Savior of the world to be;
God with us by Ga­li­lee.

Once along that rug­ged shore
He, who all our sor­rows bore,
Journeyed oft with wea­ry feet,
Through the storm or burn­ing heat;
Healing all who came in faith,
Calling back to life from death;
King of kings from Heav­en was He,
Though so poor by Ga­li­lee!

Wild the night on Ga­li­lee;
Loudly roared the an­gry sea,
When upon the toss­ing wave
Jesus walked, His own to save:
Calmed the tu­mult by His will,
Only saying, Peace, be still!
Ruler of the storm was He,
On the rag­ing Ga­li­lee!

Still in lov­ing ten­der­ness
Doth the Mas­ter wait to bless;
Still His touch up­on the soul
Bringeth balm and mak­eth whole;
Still He com­forts mourn­ing hearts,
Life, and joy, and peace im­parts;
Still the friend of all is He,
As of old by Ga­li­lee!
