Scripture Verse

All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. John 1:3


Donald P. Hustad (1918–2013)

Words: Mar­ga­ret Clark­son, 1987.

Music: Slane (Hus­tad) Ir­ish tune. Ar­ranged by Don­ald P. Hus­tad, 1974 (🔊 pdf nwc).

E. Margaret Clarkson (1915–2008)


God of cre­ation, all-pow’r­ful, all-wise,
Lord of the uni­verse, rich with sur­prise,
Maker, Sus­tainer, and Rul­er of all,
We are your child­ren—you hear when we call.

God of the ages, through time’s trou­bled years,
You are the one in whom hist’ry co­heres;
Nations and em­pires your pur­pose ful­fill,
Moving in free­dom, yet work­ing your will.

God of re­demp­tion, who wrought our re­birth,
Called out your church from the ends of the earth,
Still you are Sav­ior, put dar­kness to flight;
Overcome sin by sal­va­tion’s pure light.

God of your people, your Word still stands fast;
Do for us now as you’ve done in the past!
Yours is the king­dom, your tri­umph we claim,
Challenging ev­il in Je­sus’ strong name.

God of our now, all our trust is in you,
Covenant God, ev­er faith­ful and true;
Sov’reign Cre­at­or, Re­deem­er, and Lord,
Now and for­ev­er your name be adored!