Scripture Verse

There shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and His rest shall be glorious. Isaiah 11:10


Edward Caswall (1814–1878)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Ed­ward Cas­wall (1814–1878).

Music: French­man Mount­ain Her­bert S. Ir­ons, 1894 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ir­ons (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Adoration of the Shepherds
Gerard van Honthorst (1590–1656)

Gently falls the win­ter snow,
Earth lies si­lent­ly be­low,
While the ten­der plant ap­pears,
Promised long by ho­ly seers.


Hail the ev­er bless­èd morn,
Hail the day that Christ was born;
Tell it thro’ Je­ru­sa­lem,
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.

He who built the star­ry skies
Low within a man­ger lies,
Stooping from His throne sub­lime
High above the che­ru­bim.


Say, ye won­der­ing shep­herds, say,
What your joy­ful news to­day;
Wherefore have you left your sheep?
Wherefore fail your watch to keep?


As we watched at dead of night
Lo! we saw a won­drous sight—
Angels sing­ing Peace on earth,
Telling of the Sav­ior’s birth.


Haste we now to greet God’s Child,
Watch His face so meek and mild,
Learn the love of Hea­ven to see
In our Lord’s hu­mi­li­ty.
