Scripture Verse

Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify Thy name? Revelation 15:4


Isaac Watts (1674–1748)

Words: Is­aac Watts, Hymns and Spi­rit­ual Songs 1707–09, Book 2, num­ber 167. The di­vine per­fect­ions.

Music: March­field Ed­ward A. Col­lier, in The Psal­ter (Pitts­burgh, Penn­syl­van­ia: Unit­ed Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion, 1912), num­ber 330 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Edward A. Collier (1835–1920)


Great God! Thy glo­ries shall em­ploy
My ho­ly fear, my hum­ble joy;
My lips in songs of hon­or bring
Their tri­bute to th’eter­nal King.

Earth, and the stars, and worlds un­known,
Depend pre­ca­ri­ous on His throne;
All na­ture hangs up­on His word,
And grace and glo­ry own their Lord.

His so­ver­eign pow­er, what mor­tal knows?
If He com­mand, who dares op­pose?
With strength He girds Him­self around,
And treads the re­bels to the ground.

Who shall pre­tend to teach Him skill,
Or guide the coun­sels of His will?
His wis­dom, like a sea di­vine,
Flows deep and high be­yond our line.

His name is ho­ly, and His eye
Burns with im­mor­tal jea­lou­sy;
He hates the sons of pride, and sheds
His fie­ry ven­geance on their heads.

The beam­ings of His pierc­ing sight
Bring dark hy­po­cri­sy to light;
Death and des­truct­ion nak­ed lie,
And hell un­co­vered to His eye.

Th’eter­nal law be­fore Him stands;
His jus­tice, with im­par­tial hands,
Divides to all their due re­ward,
Or by the scep­ter or the sword.

His mer­cy, like a bound­less sea,
Washes our load of guilt away;
While His own Son came down and died
T’engage His jus­tice on our side.

Each of His words de­mands my faith;
My soul can rest on all He saith;
His truth in­vi­ol­ab­ly keeps
The larg­est pro­mise of His lips.

O tell me, with a gen­tle voice,
Thou art my God, and I’ll re­joice!
Filled with Thy love I dare pro­claim
The bright­est hon­ors of Thy name.