Scripture Verse

Christ…raised from the dead. Romans 6:9


Words: Frank­lin Hunt­er, 2004–05 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Ju­das Mac­ca­bae­us George F. Han­del, 1747 (🔊 pdf nwc).

George F. Handel (1685–1759)

Origin of the Hymn

The last verse and cho­rus were com­posed on Good Fri­day, 9 Ap­ril 2004, and first sung in this form in Down­pat­rick Bap­tist Church, N. Ire­land, on East­er Sun­day, 11 April 2004. The mu­sic is so ma­jes­tic and tri­umph­ant that to leave it as a sin­gle verse didn’t sa­ti­sfy the heart, so the first three vers­es have been added to­day, 17 Feb­ru­ary 2005.

Franklin Hunter


Great God and Sav­iour, on this East­er day
Gathered in Thy pre­sence, we Thy child­ren pray;
Make our prais­es in­cense, waft them all around
As we lift our voic­es, this the joy­ful sound:


We’re here to praise You, Re­sur­rect­ion Day
Fill us with Your Spi­rit, speak, O Lord, we pray.

Angels an­nounce Him, Je­sus is the Lord and Christ
Source of our re­demp­tion, centre of our tryst;
He the Way has op­ened so that sin­ners we
Find through Him our par­don, peace and pu­ri­ty.


Death hides no ter­rors, naught can se­pa­rate
Thou the con­qu’ring Sav­iour we ap­pre­ci­ate;
Worshipping be­fore Thee, in Thy right­eous­ness
Thy death hath pro­cured this, Thee we glad­ly bless.


Here then is Je­sus, sound His prais­es long,
Blend them all to­ge­ther, sing them in a song.
Make them loud and joy­ful, Re­sur­rect­ion Day
Christ is all vic­to­ri­ous, no­thing more to pay.
