Scripture Verse

God said, Let there be light, and there was light. Genesis 1:3


Words: Tho­mas Pax­ton, 1872.

Music: God’s Love Will­iam F. Sher­win (1826–1888) (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Pax­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

William F. Sherwin


God of the glo­ri­ous sun­shine,
God of re­fresh­ing rain,
Whose voice bids earth awak­en
And clothe it­self again.
With life of rich­est beau­ty,
In plant, and flow­er, and tree;
Thou God of light and splen­dor,
We rise and wor­ship Thee.

God of the hill and mount­ain,
Of val­ley and of dale,
Whose fin­ger paints the rain­bows;
Thy beau­ties nev­er fail
To raise our souls in won­der,
And turn our thoughts to Thee;
Thou God of liv­ing na­ture,
We stand and wor­ship Thee.

God of the bu­sy day­time,
God of the qui­et night,
Whose peace per­vades the dark­ness,
And greets us with the light;
Safe with Thy pre­sence near us,
Wherever we may be,
Thou God, our great pro­tect­or,
We love and wor­ship Thee.

God of the whole cre­ation,
God of all life be­low,
We seek Thy near­er pre­sence,
Thy grand­er life to know;
When we, Thy height­ened splen­dor,
Thy great­er glo­ries see,
Thou God of all cre­ation,
We still shall wor­ship Thee.