Scripture Verse

Let them praise Thy great and terrible name, for it is holy. Psalm 99:3


Neil Barham (1962–)

Words: Neil Bar­ham, 2005.

Music: Co­ro­nae Will­iam H. Monk, 1871 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Monk (1823–1889)


Gathered here in that great Pre­sence,
Every earth­ly light grows dim:
Angels fall in dread and rev­er­ence,
Men re­deemed take up the hymn:
Holy, Ho­ly,
Holy is that Sac­red Name!

Awed to si­lence by His pow­er,
Prostrate mill­ions ’wait His Word,
They, the crea­tures of an hour,
He, the ev­er­last­ing Lord!
Holy, Ho­ly,
Holy is that Sac­red Name!

Goodness finds its good with­in Him!
Truth finds truth up­on His tongue!
He is Beau­ty of all Beau­ty,
Let His praise be ev­er sung!
Holy, Holy,
Holy is that Sac­red Name!

All must do what You re­quire,
For Your Law re­mains the same:
Give our hearts a great de­sire
For the hal­low­ing of Your Name!
Holy, Holy,
Holy is that Sac­red Name!